Our kaleidoscope

Our team is a kaleidoscope of doers, strategists, business developers, project directors, and innovation practitioners working at the intersection of business, academia and the public sector – with societal transformation as our guiding principle.

We lead change for future-focused clients

From competitive companies bringing new products and services to the market, to transforming the 21st century public service and paving the way for new innovations in business. Our scope is wide, delivering around 140 projects per year, for partners and clients in academia, the public sector and industry. We work at all levels from international and national collaborations, to regional and local projects in northern Sweden.

Our why: Shaping the industry of the future

LTU Business is owned via LTU Holding by Luleå University of Technology. Our overall purpose is to promote development through collaboration between academia and society with a particular focus on the emerging green industries.

The university’s commercialization partner

On behalf of the innovation office at Luleå University of Technology, LTU Business has the task of supporting early phases of commercialization of research results. Later on, the ideas can result in startups and be taken into an incubator or other form of development support. The spin-offs from the university lead to new jobs, investments and tax revenues.

Our history

Business development and regional growth since 1983

This year we celebrate 40 years in the service of boosting innovation and competitiveness. Since the start in 1983, as Sweden’s first incubator under the name Centek, we have grown, transformed, renewed, tested and developed into what we are today. You could say that we now live in two worlds; partly as strategic project partners and partly as consultants with a huge network and knowledge behind us.

We are based in one of the most exciting regions in Europe, where the transformation towards the sustainable society of the future is thriving. Together with our clients, we develop innovations, strategies, and organisations that make the world a better place for our children and grandchildren.

Our team

Looking for someone to talk business with or curious about the people in our team?

Head on over to our teams-page to find contact details, areas of expertise and professional biographies of everyone in the team.

Träffa teamet