Innovative Solutions

Innovative Solutions is a fun idea development program for you who like to solve problems and want the chance to develop concepts for a recipient who really cares about the end result. The ultimate goal is to investigate how to turn an idea into reality. You’ll get the opportunity to collaborate with other students and have an experienced business development professional as your mentor through the process.

What do I get out of it?

All participants go through an idea development process to innovate solutions on important society challenges that the world is facing. You’ll get the opportunity to collaborate with other students and have an experienced business development professional as your mentor through the process.

Who can participate?

All students at Luleå University of Technology can apply to Impact Lab. It doesn’t matter which program you are studying or which year you are studying. Your application is individual and you’ll be teamed up with others. LTU Business Summer is based in Luleå, but you are welcome to join the programme from whichever campus.

Access to expertise

Throughout the summer, your team will have access to experienced business advisors from LTU Business and other players in the region. LTU Business also finances the measures you need to get on in each part.

At the end of the summer, the participants present their concepts to the case owners and each other.

How do I apply for a place in Impact Lab?

When you apply to LTU Business Summer, tick the box for Impact Lab as your prefered theme.

You can find application details and important deadlines below.

Summer job focusing on idea development

LTU Business Summer

Innovative Solutions is a theme within LTU Business Summer, summer jobs for students seeking to put their talent to use making a real impact.

Learn more and apply


Johan Bergström

Business Developer070-218 59 19