Mining Innovation

In Mining Innovation, part of the Summer Consultants, you work with other students from all over the country to investigate the business potential of an idea related to the mining industry. The business concept can be sprung from research or owned by an existing company.

Your learning experience

You’re invited to be part of accelerating mining innovation in Sweden and beyond. The program gives you the opportunity to explore the potential of a business concept in the mining industry. We match you in teams of two students, ideally with complementing skills, to develop an idea. You’re welcome to apply with an idea of your own, otherwise we’ll match you with forefront ideas from a Swedish university or a company.

In order to take the idea closer to a market introduction and commercialization during the summer, you’ll need to quickly get an understanding of the innovation at present. For example, identifying and analyzing the needs of customers, developing and researching the benefits of the innovation, understanding and building strategies for the idea’s path forward and presenting the business idea.

Access to expertise and process management
At your side you have experienced business advisors from LTU Business and other players in the region. LTU Business also finances the costs for developing the idea. At the end of the summer, participants present their solutions to potential users, financiers and others interested in the business concept.

Who can enter?

Mining Innovation is open for any student studying at a Swedish university or college. It doesn’t matter which program you are studying or which year you are studying. You apply individually and will be teamed up with others. The Summer Consultants is based in Luleå, but you are welcome to join the programme from anywhere in Sweden.


Mining Innovation is a theme within the Summer Consultants. Tell us in your application to the Summer Consultants if you are interested in Mining Innovation in particular. We will confirm your place by 31 March at the latest.


Student summer work within idea development

LTU Business Summer

Mining Innovation is a theme within LTU Business Summer, summer work for students seeking to put their talent to use making a real impact.

Read more & apply