Welcoming nine business leaders to hands-on entrepreneurship programme FastTrack

Nine companies recently started FastTrack, a one-year business development program where SMEs accelerate their business growth with expertise in innovation and business development from Luleå University of Technology and LTU Business respectively. We spoke to project manager Anna-Sara Lantz to hear more.

What new knowledge and tools does the group gain during the year?
– The program is needs-driven, so we cover topics that are relevant for each company from where they are in their development right now. For example, how to become a more attractive employer, or how to go about recruiting more women. Questions relating to financing, innovation and marketing are integrated as well.

How do you become a participant? Are they randomly selected companies or can anyone apply?
– This is a programme dedicated to small and medium-sized companies based in the region of Norrbotten and Skellefteå municipality. We always try to get a group of non-competing companies from different industries and geographical locations. We also strive for an a gender equal group, which we achieved with 50/50 women and men as owners/business managers this year.

The FastTrack program is run by Luleå University of Technology and LTU Business within the project Samverkan för Innovation och Regional Tillväxt (Cooperation for Innovation and Regional Growth), with funding from Region Norrbotten, Skellefteå municipality and the EU.
