Innovate tomorrow’s Europe with us

Norrbotten Regional Innovation Centre is a collaborative platform to accelerate societal transformation in a smart and sustainable way. This will be done through inter-regional European co-operation.

The focus is on further developing innovation in five ecosystems identified by Region Norrbotten as strategically important: mining industry, hydrogen economy, space technology, tourism and information and communication technology (ICT).

Let’s join forces for a smart and climate-neutral society.


Find out news, facts and inspiring examples from Norrbotten Regional Innovation Centre and our partners.

Our offer

Needs assessments & match-making

We support innovators and organizations in Norrbotten, in mapping needs in order to discover new strategic opportunities. Find new partners and elgiable calls within the framework of EU support for place-based innovation and inter-regional cooperation.

Foresighting & knowledge

Intelligence, methodologies and funding opportunities on the EU’s most powerful regional innovation network, the S3 Community of Practice (CoP).

Lectures and innovation discovery tours

Are you also active in smart specialisation, or are you curious about how to work with innovation in mining, space, tourism, ICT or hydrogen? Let yourself be inspired by actors from Norrbotten Regional Innovation Centre and gain new perspectives on innovation work.

Let’s talk more!

We would like to explore collaboration opportunities and understand more about how Norrbotten Regional Innovation Centre can boost your journey.

Norrbotten Regional Innovation Center EN

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