How we help scientists and academics
We help the science communities at universities, institutes, government agencies and corporate organisations to expand the effect of their innovations.
Aiming to bring new, better services and products to the market, we work in close collaboration with scientists to overcome challenges in commercializing research results, as well as acting as a partner or project management organisation for collaborations on development and innovation. Our area of expertise covers:
- – Business potential assessments of early-stage ideas and fast-tracking your project by helping you identify the ideal business model and market strategy.
- – Give your new tools and perspectives on innovation.
- – University-industry collaborations.
- – Funding and call proposals.
- – Support external partnership projects/consortias with overall management and/or handling work packages specifically about admininstration/reporting, commercialization and dissemination.
A university-affiliated commercialization partner
LTU Business is a subsidiary of Luleå University of Technology and acts as the university’s business development platform. Further, our clients are Swedish and international institutes and consortias within key innovation areas for Sweden and Europe, such as mining, technology, testbeds and energy. We work with scientists on all levels from PhD-students to senior professors.
Innovation support at LTU – entrepreneurship for faculty staff
On behalf of the Luleå University of Technology, we offfer faculty staff confidential and cost-free support to develop ideas and research results.
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With the objective to societal impact with your research, our innovation support offers advice and guidance, whether you want to start your own business or would prefer focusing on your academic career.
We work in close partnership with incubator Arctic Business, and often act as a springboard to prepare rough and early ideas for joining an incubator program and/or becoming a startup.
The researcher who wants to increase underground safety
Jens Eliasson, researcher and founder of the startup Thingwave, and business developer Emil Svanberg together share how Jens’ idea came to life.
The researcher who wants to contribute to society
Ulrika Rova extracts health-promoting prebiotics (food for the good intestinal bacteria) from residual products from forest raw materials. Here she meets business developer Kent Mrozek and talks about how research better can benefit society.
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Together we make change happen
Hey change maker! Did you know that you play an important role in the development of society? A well-functioning ecosystem for innovation means that our ideas can create growth.
Explore innovation with us
What we offer

Luleå University of Technology
As faculty staff, you have access to confidential and free innovation support. On behalf of the university, our business developers can help with idea coaching and tell you about different options to bring your research to society. There are many alternatives for busy academics and you don’t necessarily need to become an entrepreneur yourself if you prefer to focus on your academic career.
We work in close partnership with incubator Arctic Business, and often act as a springboard to prepare rough and early ideas for joining an incubator program and/or becoming a startup.
We also act as a platform for the university-industry partnerships, and we support development- and innovation projects with management and administration.
Your institution may want to reach out to industry with your courses, through LTU Professional Education. We’ll help you design and market your course to the industry.

Does your team need to assess early stage TRL (Technology Readiness Level) of new innovations? IDD Academy boosts your organisation with a proven method for verifying market potential early on in the innovation process. Another option is of course to assign the analyses and strategic recommendations to our team of experienced consultants.
Or, may you are seeking an experienced project partner specialized in market- and communication-related requirements in EU-funded projects?
Our team uses our proven method Innovation Due Diligence, trusted with more than 300 ideas annually. We have a long experience of working with leading institutes such as RISE (The Research Institute of Sweden), the IC2 Institute at the University of Texas and the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT).
If you are looking for professional development for your team, we are your first point of contact for LTU Professional Education, the organisation for executive education at Luleå University of Technology. Tell us what skills you are looking to develop in your organisation, and we’ll match you with an experienced tutor or professor to design a course to take your team to the next level.

Industry R&D
Increase your project outputs. As the platform for university-industry partnerships, we guide collaborations between businesses and academic staff and students. Boasting 15,000 students and 69 research areas, we match you with the right team, design and scale your project and getting started. We are also your point-of-contact for professional development through LTU Professional Education, the organisation for executive education at Luleå University of Technology.
In innovation projects, we’ll match your expertise with the right partners and calls and add values like know-how, tools and experience as commercialization and dissemination partners. Our proven method Innovation Due Diligence has been trusted by Boliden, Atlas Copco, LKAB and Siemens to deliver market insights and business assessments required in externally funded projects. Innovation Due Diligence minimizes risk and provides guidance to chosing the most effective business models and market strategies.