Their AI-based product prevents work-related injuries

Stress injuries among industrial workers are a common problem, but with the help of AI technology, researchers Amir Taghizadeh Vahed and Behzad Ghodrati are hoping for a change in several industries. On behalf of Luleå University of Technology, LTU Business has supported the duo from start to startup with funding for a prototype, market validation, patent and application to the Arctic Business incubator. Several major players are now interested in their product.

Just under one and a half million people work daily in stressful work positions, and a quarter of them say that they experience problems with pain in the body. This is something that researchers Amir Taghizadeh Vahed and Behzad Ghodrati at Luleå University of Technology and founders of Eposture want to change. Together, they have developed software that can identify harmful body positions.

– The idea came to us from the industry, and we realized quite quickly that it would be possible to use AI to prevent injuries. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that a workplace is ergonomically well designed, but this is not always easy. The industry therefore sees a great need for new technology in this area to overcome the problem, says Amir.

“With the help of the market validation Innovation Due Diligence, which is now being implemented, we now see solid interest from several major players.”

Got help validating, developing and protecting the idea

Amir Taghizadeh Vahed and Behzad Ghodrati, Eposture

Luleå University of Technology offers all its researchers, students and employees free and confidential support to develop and commercialize ideas, innovations and research results. The services are performed by LTU Business, which was contacted at an early stage by Amir and Behzad to receive business advice and help to develop their innovation.

– We could not have done this without LTU Business’ expertise in how to develop an idea and how to protect and validate its commercial value. LTU Business also helped us with the financing of a prototype and with our application to the incubator Arctic Business. With the help of the market validation method Innovation Due Diligence, which is now being implemented, we now see a solid interest from several major players, especially in the automotive industry, which feels fantastic, says Amir.

How it works

Eposture’s software analyzes unidentified video data collected in the business using mobile phones and an app. The software uses AI, including pattern recognition, to identify harmful body positions. All the data is compiled and visualized in a central web environment where work environment problems can be identified and analyzed. The analysis forms the basis for decisions on measures in the business and the working environment.

Today, Eposture’s product can be used to assess a current situation, but Amir’s hope is to eventually get enough deidentified data to be able to create templates for how workplaces should be designed to be as ergonomically well functioning as possible.

– In the long run, when there is enough data, we want to be able to give preventive recommendations and suggestions for solutions. Today we can make a diagnosis but not a prognosis, he says.

An exciting future

The next step for Eposture is the commercial launch. Business developer Sandra Uddenskär at LTU Business thinks it has been fun to work with such an important idea and innovation.

– The fact that they have found a solution to reduce stress injuries and promote a sustainable working life with the help of new technology is fantastic. We look forward to the future of Eposture with excitement, she concludes.

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